

Rabu, 23 April 2014


"There is a friend you get pregnant outside of marriage, her parents do not agree. Boyfriend does not want the responsibility and then the woman tried to commit suicide." How suggestions and solutions to the woman?

My suggestions and solutions :

As a friend, I had to hold him to not commit suicide, and tried to calm down his back until the situation improves. After that, I advised my friend not to try to commit suicide. it is a sin forbidden by God. Because by committing suicide, he had to eliminate two lives is yourself and child in the womb. My advice to my friend, let the unborn child who is growing up to the time of childbirth however despairingly. After the child is born, if indeed he did not want to take care of him. And from a family of women and men do not want to admit it, the child can be left at the orphanage. Rather than be killed and will add sin.


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. C
  7. C
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. A
  13. B
  14. A
  15. B
  16. A
  17. A
  18. C
  19. D
  20. A
  21. A
  22. B
  23. D
  24. A
  25. D
  26. C
  27. D
  28. C
  29. D
  30. D
  31. A
  32. A
  33. D
  34. D
  35. D
  36. D
  37. C
  38. D
  39. C
  40. C
  41. D
  42. D
  43. D
  44. B
  45. B
  46. A
  47. D
  48. A
  49. C
  50. A

Senin, 21 April 2014


Exercise 31: Nouns Functioning as Adjectives

  1. Sam’s new apartment is in a twelve-story building.
  2. We are the language teachers.
  3. My parents saw a three-act play lastnight.
  4. The manager said that it would be a two day sale.
  5. Hal bought a 79 piece tool set.
  6. Margie has a five-shelve bookcase.
  7. I need two 16 ounce cans of tomatocs.
  8. I’m looking for a six-quart pressure cooker.
  9. He is a specialist at building made of brick houses.
  10. Mrs. Jansen just bought her daughter a ten speed bicycle.

Exercise 32: Enough

  1. There were not enough people to have the meeting.
  2. Allen has learned French enough to study in France next year.
  3. Do you have enough time to talk now?
  4. She drove fast enough to win the race.
  5. Mike will graduate from law school soon enough to join his father’s firm.
  6. We arrived early enough to have some coffe before class began.
  7. It has rained hard enough to flood the low-lying areas.
  8. You should type slowly enough that you will not make an error.
  9. He has just enough flour to bake that loaf of bread.
  10. There are enough books for each student to have one.

Exercice 33: Because / Because Of

  1. It was difficult to deliver the letter because the sender had written the wrong address on the envelope.
  2. We decided to leave early because the party was boring.
  3. Rescue attempts were temporarily halted because of the bad weather.
  4. They visited their friends often because they enjoyed their company.
  5. Paul cannot go to the football game because of his grades.
  6. Marcella was awarded a scholarship because of her superior scholastic ability.
  7. Nobody ventured outdoors because of the hurricane warnings.
  8. We plan to spend our vacation in the mountains because of the air is purer there.
  9. We have to drive around the bay because of the bridge was destroyed in the storm.
  10. The chickens have died because of intense heat.

Exercise 34: So / Such

  1. The sun shone so brightly that Maria had to put on her sunglasses.
  2. Dean was such a powerful swimmer that he always won the races.
  3. There were so few students registered that the class was cancelled.
  4. We had so wonderful memories of that place that we decided to return.
  5. We had such good time at the party that we hated to leave.
  6. The benefit was so great a success that the promoters decided to repeat it.
  7. It was such a nice day that we decided to go to the beach.
  8. Jane looked so sick that the nurse told her to go home.
  9. Those were so difficult assignments that we spent two weeks finishing them.
  10. Ray called at such an early hour that we weren’t awake yet.
  11. The book looked so interesting that he decided to read it.
  12. He worked so carefully that it took him a long time to complete the project.
  13. We stayed in the sun for such a long time that we became sunburned.
  14. There were so many people on the bus that we decided to walk.
  15. The program was so entertaining that nobody wanted to miss it.

Rabu, 02 April 2014


Pada masa-masa sekolah, saya mengikuti kegiatan Ekstrakulikuler berawal dari saya masuk pendidikan di SMP. Saya mengikuti eskul Paduan Suara, tujuannya  karena menurut saya mengikuti kegiatan eskul ini sangat mengasyikan dan dapat melepas penat dengan bernyanyi. di kegiatan eskul ini saya banyak belajar mengenai dasar-dasar nada, intonasi nada, aktikulasi, sampai dengan saat dimana suara kita harus rendah dan tinggi. Selain itu saya menjadi lebih banyak pengetahuan dan banyak teman. Dikegitan eskul ini kita berlatih menyanyi dan kita sering dipakai untuk menjadi paduan suara saat upacara hari senin. dengan perkembangan yang semakin bagus, akhirrnya kita dipilih dan ikut lomba paduan suara antar kecamatan. Ya walaupun akhirannya paduan suara kita tidak mendapatkan juara tetapi kita bangga karena sudah bisa ikut lomba tersebut. Dan paduan suara kita juga sering diundang di Kecamatan  dalam tiap acara resmi misalnya saat perayaan 17 Agustus, Sumpah Pemuda, dsb.

Selain itu saya mengikuti kegiatan Eskul English Club di SMP. Dimana dari kegiatan ini saya belajar berdialog, bernyanyi, dengan menggunakan bahasa inggris. awalnya saya ragu mengikuti eskul ini karena saya sangat tidak mengerti dan menguasai bahasa inggris tetapi saya tertarik mengikutinya karena banyak teman saya yang juga ikut eskul tersebut. Dari hasil eskul English Club ini, diminta untuk mengisi acara Pentas Seni di SMP saya. Yaitu dengan mengisi acara Drama menggunakan bahasa inggris. Dan saya senang karena saya terpilih sebagai tokoh dalam drama tersebut. Ya walaupun dialognya tidak banyak hehe.

Awal masuk SMK, saya melanjutkan kegiatan Eskul paduan suara. tetapi eskul ini tidak berlangsung secara lama dengan kekurangannya fasilitas di sekolah saya. dan akhirnya saya mengikuti kegiatan eskul Teater. Sebenarnya saya kurang menyukainya karena saya orangnya tidak terlalu Pecaya Diri dengan kata lain pemalu hehe. Tapi saya coba supaya bisa jadi orang yang berani dan tidak pemalu lagi.

Pada saat kelas 3 saya dan teman-teman diminta untuk mengisi acara pensi sekolah dengan Tarian Daerah yaitu Tari Saman. Karena sebelumnya kita memiliki kelompok tarian dan guru pun mengetahuinya dan tertarik jadi kita diminta untuk mengisi acara tersebut. Saat acara berlangsung tamu-tamu terhormat pun menikmatinya dan tertarik untuk mengundang kita untuk mengisi acara Wisuda SMK. Alhamdulillah orang-orang menonton menyukai tarian kita.